Yesterday, I was able to watch Obama´s inauguration ceremony live. I was mesmerized by the event. Just last week I watched Spielberg´s new movie "Lincoln". I distinctly remember when congressmen, in the movie, were talking about giving freedom to 4 million black people (13th. constitution amendment). Most of them were worried, scared, about what would come next ..... allowing black people to vote????..... allowing women to vote????? They could have never thought or imagine that one day there was going to be a democrat black president. And here I could see Obama in front of the capitol accompanied by his wife, a black woman who is widely admired.
El New York Times ha publicado un artículo interesante "Una multitud diversa saborea un momento histórico en la Inauguración".
The New York Times published an interesting article "Diverse Crowd at Inauguration savors a moment in history"
Josh Haner/The New York Times
And indeed it was diverse. The article says that they were mostly latinos, gay people, women and especially African American. They are the ones who made this possible, the first american black president. But I also watched white people mingling with this crowd. Sharing this historic moment together. Young people, and others not so young, who does not see this situation as a threat, but as an opportunity.
La gente y los políticos a los que todavía les atemoriza lo que es distinto a ellos, que demonizan a los negros, a los inmigrantes, a los homosexuales, son los mismos que en la época de Lincoln tenían miedo de dar la libertad a tanto esclavo. Estaban asustados de abrir la puerta a otra gente, a gente diferente. Pero a pesar del miedo la puerta no se puede mantener eternamente cerrada. Eventualmente, el deseo de igualdad y libertad de muchas personas la abrirán.
People and politics that are scared of anything different to them, that demonize black people, inmigrants, homosexuals, are the same as those ones that during Lincoln times were scared of abolisinhg slavery. They were scared of opening the door to other people, different people. But despite the fear the door cannot be kept closed. Eventually it will be opened by the desire for freedom and equality of many people.
¿Qué será lo próximo?? ¿Una mujer presidente?? ojalá. Y si al final fuera mujer, negra y lesbiana, ya significaría la superación de muchos prejuicios a la vez!!
What is next?? A woman presindent?? hope so!!! And if at the end that woman is black and a lesbian, that would mean overcoming a few prejudicies at the same time!
Un gran personaje, en su faceta política y personal, pero demasiado charleta, en esta versión, un vara, sermoneador, y a ratos incluso un tanto lunático. Y todo en esa manera tan Spielberg, de resaltar emociones de forma descarada a través de la música, de abrazos del 'todosjuntosporfin', tan impositivo en sus sentimientos... Pero un personaje como Lincoln no puede producir una mala película y de estas tampoco Spielberg sabe hacerlas. Un saludo!